For whom it is favourable to demonize chrysotile asbestos? — the statement of the international trade-union movement for chrysotile
On July 21, 2010 through information channels of BBC and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists was distributed the information review of a condition global chrysotile industry.
The published material under heading » Danger in the Dust » can’t help giving rise to surprise and bewilderment, as it represents «rattling mix» of doubtful facts, lies, exaggerations and manipulations with the scientific data aiming at single purpose — to convince public of the special danger of chrysotile and necessity of its ban.
Prediction of dozens millions of deaths from asbestos till 2030, can eclipse of a prediction a WHO about threat from «swine» flu. We repeatedly emphasized in our materials, that the policy of forcing fear, by means of manipulations with the statistical data, is not acceptable to such international organizations, as WHO and ILO.
It is possible to excuse the authors sheer ignorance of the current status on responsible use of chrysotile and prejudiced approach to that issue, but it is impossible to ignore obvious attempts to discredit the whole industry, with more, than a century’s history and famous labour traditions. We are deeply convinced, that behind a wave of the negative publications and plots stand those circles, who are especially interested in a global chrysotile ban , namely: asbestos plaintiffs lawyers, asbestos abatement industry on asbestos removal , who use any chance, to misinform public with doubtful statistical data and to exaggerate risks connected to professional exposition to chrysotile.
The analysis of the publications sources has shown, that ‘Dangers in the Dust’ is generously supported by a grant from the Adessium Foundation
The Foundation was established in 2005 by the Van Vliet family after the sale of an asset management company. Searching for Van Vliet and asbestos together on the internet throws up a large number of links; including a UK asbestos removal company which is part of the Van Vliet Group in Holland.
The International Trade-Union Movement For Chrysotile, uniting trade-union organizations of the countries mentioned in the so-called review, makes a protest in connection with the appeared publications. It is amazing that for 9 months which were spent for realization of the so-called «investigation», the authors have not found anything best, but to use materials from a web-site of the international ban asbestos secretariat, created and financed by lawyers, specializing in asbestos litigation and to quote of opinion of the people, well-known by their close ties with the above-mentioned secretariat and often acting as witnesses on behalf of asbestos plaintiffs lawyers in courts’ proceedings.
The international trade-union movement For Chrysotile considers that review as an evident example of journalistic ethics’ infringement.
As far as chrysotile issue is concerned, we declare that our position about an opportunity of controllable use of chrysotile remains constant.
It is reflected in the Declaration, accepted by the members of the international movement in. Mexico City in March, 2010. Our movement works strictly within the framework of the decisions of the ILO Convention ?162 on asbestos and Global plan of actions on protection of worker’s health, approved at 60-th World Health Assembly, on differentiated approach to regulating amphiboles and chrysotile.
Our position is confirmed by many scientific studies which have been carried out by the scientists in the different countries. We recognize the right of those countries, who, for whatever reasons, have forbidden or restricted chrysotile use, though we don’t approve it. However, we have the right of the same sovereignty in taking our own decisions.
We declare, that the provocation on behalf the parties interested in chrysotile ban will do nothing but, rally even more strongly our lines of workers in Brasil, Mexico, Canada, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, India and other countries in our joint struggle for the right on decent life for us, both members of our families and keeping our workplaces.
Anti-chrysotile lobby: — Hands off Chrysotile!