A Russian women's movement stood up for white asbestos (chrysotile)
At the end of January 2022, the coordinating board of trade union organizations in Asbest, Sverdlovsk Region, and the Women for Safe Labour and Social Stability (WSLT) movement issued a resolution on the use of chrysotile asbestos. They deemed it necessary to organize an international conference where measures to protect the industrial use of chrysotile asbestos from discriminations would be developed. «In view of the above, the meeting participants decided that an International Conference on the above-mentioned topic should be convened to develop collective measures against chrysotile discriminations, introduce a moratorium on bans on the use of chrysotile, as well as chrysotile-containing materials and products, followed by a relevant appeal to the Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention and its members,» – the resolution states.
The International Alliance of Trade Union Organizations called Chrysotile supports the campaign of its colleagues who declared their willingness to defend the chrysotile industry in Russia and around the world. Chrysotile asbestos is a fibrous mineral widely used in industrial production. It is used in more than 300 types of industrial products: roofing, facade boards, cladding, pipes, brake linings, fire-resistant cardboard, thermal insulation materials, personal protective equipment and roadbed reinforcement. Chrysotile-based construction materials can be used in a variety of complex and difficult tasks. They are more affordable than synthetic counterparts on the market, have a long service life, and can be used in any climate zone from the Arctic to the tropical areas. Due to their reliability and affordability, chrysotile cement products are widely used in infrastructure projects, which are essential for economic development and improving the lives of billions of people.
Hundreds of thousands of people work in the chrysotile industry around the world. There are three chrysotile mines in Russia and Kazakhstan. Chrysotile mining and manufacturing companies provide jobs, pay taxes and, most importantly, produce quality products. Chrysotile cement products enable the construction of affordable housing and long-lasting communications. Moreover, they are used to provide drinking water for the population of the emerging economies.
However, the industrial use of chrysotile asbestos is regularly opposed by several states and activists during the Conference of Parties of Rotterdam convention. The Rotterdam Convention was adopted in 2004, with 72 signatory states and 161 states that have ratified it. As part of the agreement, parties to the Convention regulate the circulation of chemicals, taking care to preserve the environment and human health. There are numerous studies confirming the safety of the mineral in a controlled environment. Nevertheless, the regular attacks on the chrysotile industry cause suspicion, suggesting that other motives rather than «public health» are at play. Manufacturers of man-made alternative fibers have long dreamed of entering new markets.
In 2019, the chrysotile industry weathered a storm and stood proud – opponents of asbestos failed to provide convincing evidence. Officials from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Syria, Zimbabwe, Kyrgyzstan, Venezuela, Pakistan, Cuba, India and Iran united to express their point of view – chrysotile asbestos is safe under controlled use and is an important part of the global economy. This year, the battle against chrysotile asbestos opponents is expected to be fierce. However, the Chrysotile alliance is confident in their victory. The key advantage lies in many decades of work for the benefit of mankind, where it has managed to prove the safety of chrysotile-based products and their advantages in industrial production.